Labour Conference Votes To Nationalise Energy

Labour’s leadership has lost a showdown over the party’s approach to nationalising critical infrastructure. Delegates voted for a motion, proposed by Labour’s largest backer, the union Unite, to “reaffirm” the party’s commitment to public ownership of railways and the energy industry. Labour must “make different choices”, Unite’s general secretary said. Party sources said the proposals...
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Rwanda Can Be Trusted – Supreme Court

Rwanda can be trusted to treat humanely any asylum seekers sent to the country, lawyers for the home secretary have told the Supreme Court. Opening their case, the lawyers said the Court of Appeal had been wrong to block the UK government’s plan to remove some asylum seekers to Rwanda amid fears about its record....
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AI Facial Recognition: Campaigners And MPs Call For Ban

Police and private companies should “immediately stop” the use of facial recognition surveillance, says a group of politicians and privacy campaigners. They have raised concerns about human rights, the potential for discrimination, and “the lack of a democratic mandate”. It comes after the government announced plans for police to access passport photos to help catch...
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