Home > Covid > UK Records Highest-ever Daily Covid Tally; Maha May See Large Number of Omicron Cases, Warn Experts

UK Records Highest-ever Daily Covid Tally; Maha May See Large Number of Omicron Cases, Warn Experts


Maharashtra recorded a sharp rise of 27% in daily Covid numbers in 24 hours. While the state registered 684 cases on Tuesday, the tally rose to 925 on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the United Kingdom recorded the highest-ever daily number of coronavirus cases on Thursday.

Four new Omicron cases were reported in Kerala on Wednesday evening, taking the state tally to five. Kerala had reported its first Omicron case earlier this month when a returnee from UK was confirmed to be down with the new Covid strain. Two of the fresh Omicron cases are the mother and wife of the first patient, who were on his contact list. They have been isolating.

Meanwhile, India on Thursday harped on the need for vaccines to battle the COVID-19 situation in the world, especially as the virus keeps mutating. “If we need to have any sustainable recovery from the pandemic, it should start with vaccines,” India’s Permanent Representative to UN TS Tirumurti said speaking at a joint PBC-ECOSOC meeting on ‘promoting durable peace & sustainable development in the context of recovery from COVID-19 pandemic.

“Following the emergence of the Omicron variant, India had immediately offered support to the affected countries in Africa, including by supplying made-in-India vaccines, essential life-saving drugs and medical equipment,” said Tirumurti

“To ramp the production capacity of vaccines, it is essential that the global supply chains of raw materials be kept open. Human-centric & citizen-friendly digital tech need to be promoted, with a special focus on women and youth,” he added.

Thousands marched in New Zealand’s capital Wellington on Thursday to protest against COVID-19 vaccine mandates and lockdowns, as the country reached the 90% fully vaccinated milestone.

New Zealand’s tough lockdown and vaccination drives have helped keep coronavirus infections and related deaths low, but it has also drawn criticism from some calling for more freedoms and an end to mandatory vaccine requirements.

The government has mandated vaccinations for teachers, workers in the health and disability sectors, police and other public service sectors.


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