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Missing Indian in UK: Shocking Story

Indians at UK - UK High Commissioner

In a faraway place, a young man named Mitkumar Patel moved from his village in India to London, hoping for a better education and life. Just nine weeks into his new adventure, a heartbreaking twist unfolded.

One November morning, Mit was found by the Thames River, lifeless. His family, worried sick after he didn’t come back from a walk, reported him missing. The keys left at home told a sad story of doors that would never open for him again.

Before his tragic end, Mit sent messages to a relative, revealing his plan to end his own life. The pain he carried from India to the UK now rests heavily on those who searched for him.

Now, his cousins are trying to gather money to take Mit back to his village, so his family can say their goodbyes. The police say his death doesn’t seem suspicious, but the sadness of his story speaks of the tough journey some face when dreams turn into despair.


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